Taking cultural production into our own hands
The editor of Taking cultural production into our own hands, Melanie Maddison, explains the origin of the zine in the first page of it:
“For London Zinefest 2010 I was invited to run a discussion group about Creating Our Own Culture. The idea was for zinesters such as myself (Colouring Outside The Lines zine), Patrick (Ricochet! Ricochet! zine), Em (The World’s A Mess & You’re My Only Cure zine), and Debi (Self-Publishing and Empowerment zine) to get together to discuss taking the DIY ethos of zine-making and applying it to becoming creative producers and creative consumers.”
We have our copy of the zine in our Folder 8: Library Catalogue.

You can read a PDF version of the zine in Grassroots Feminism website [accessed 27/4/2020].