International and non-English language zines

This year we received funding to expand our collection beyond the limits of the English language. Our intentions were to better reflect and represent our multilingual students and staff as well as the richness of the international [fan]zine communities. While this project is on hold we would like to highlight some relevant resources.

International zines in English

Grrrl Zine Network

Great source of information on feminist zines from around the world. Sadly, the website is no longer maintained. However, the interviews section and fact that the information is available in many European languages (including Polish, Swedish, German and Spanish), makes this website worth a mention. You can spend hours here. Recommended!

Metal Fanzines Archive

Lots of international metal fanzines available to download as PDFs. Zines in variety of languages, many in English.

Eastern European queer zines

Colour photograph of two young smiling men. They are wearing make up, skimpy women clothes, jewellery and short curly wigs. It looks like it was taken at the party.

Article on secret eastern European queer zines. A short introduction to the subject with examples of titles from Poland and Belarus.

Latin American Feminist Zine Collection

Catalogue of the Latin American Feminist Zine Collection held at our LCC Zine Collection.

In 2017, Editorial Facsimile had an open call and received 3 copies of 35 publishing projects for the Latin American Feminist Zine Collection, which were donated to LCC Library, Horst Hartung Franz Library and EF Library for research and teaching purposes after the exhibition. You can read online the catalogue for the exhibition at LCC, see more pictures from that event and read an article (in Spanish) about the whole project.


Black and white Zine Coop cover of the Spring/Summer 2018 no.1 issue. Mostly text that is too small to read. Text in English and (most probably) Cantonese. Black line, very simplistic drawings of three faces.
Zine Coop website

ZINE COOP is an indie publishing artist collective that promotes zine culture in Hong Kong. It provides support on zine making and distribution, connecting artists with book fairs while serving as a bridge between distros and potential readers. We are looking forward to include in our collection some of their zines from the Hong Kong’s Civil Movements which you can have a look at in their Freedom-Hi zine catalogue.

Online resources on zines – non-English materials

Polish Feminist Zines

Good source of information on feminist zine makers from Poland. Lots of images and useful links. The article is in Polish, but some of the information on ONEPoznan is available in English.