Working class queers
Working class queers is a collaborative zine put together by Charlotte Richardson Andrews in 2013 under the idea of her Queer working class zine project. In the project’s description page, it’s described as:
TQWCZP is a zine-based project about being queer and working class, and how those things – and others* – intersect. (…)
*Race, gender, fat, immigrant, sex work, trans, family, education, gentrification, social politics, lived experiences, language, law, capitalism, anarchism, DIY, pinkwashing, homonationalism, protest, activism, calling out queer middle-class hegemony, love, kink, power…
Our copy of Working class queers Issue #1 is held in Folder 46: Library Catalogue.

The project has a facebook page. You can also read of Charlotte’s work as the organiser or Queer Zine Fest London 2013 [accessed 16/2/21].