The Chapess

The Chapess was a feminist zine first started by Zara Gardner and then edited Cherry Styles between years 2011 and 2016. The latter has written in her website this text about the project that not only involved the zine but also shows, workshops and talks. More information can be found in this interview with her.

Our collection holds issues 4 and 8 of the zine: Library Catalogue.

Black and white "The Chapess" issue 8 zine cover. Quite abstract looking illustration of a woman on her back reaching forward and touching herself.

The Chapess blog [accessed 28/4/2020].

For further reading, Cherry has also written this great piece about “How to fight the patriarchy through publishing” taking The Chapess as a working example. And there is online documentation of some of The Chapess shows, like this photography works featured in the zine appears in this Vice article or the Salford Library exhibition celebrating 5 years of the zine and the publication of Gut Flora: The Chapess anthology.