waterintobeer was a DIY punk fanzine, rooted in the north of England, inspired by the hopped stuff and put together by four uni friends: Tim Livesey, Luke Blackburn, Luke Downing and The Fair Maiden of Yorkshire.
It existed for ten issues between summer 2002 and November 2004, and, in its time, featured interviews with Mavis, Bad Astronaut, Eighty-Six, Paul Di’anno, Mad Caddies, Humanfly, Drawn by Lines and Jello Biafra amongst others.

A short account of the zine’s history which contains a lovely description of the physicality of zine making: ‘sticking bits of paper on other bits of paper that I’ve stuck on a blank bit of paper.’
We hold copies of issues 4, 5, 9 and 10 in our folder 81: Library Catalogue.